
Welcome to Phoenix's Website!

Layout courtesy of Sadness' Layout Builder.

Welcome to my corner of the internet! With the state of... everything? Everything. I decided to make my own little website :) I'll be uploading my edits & collages, fanfiction, and miscellaneous art here. Maybe even a diary. Who knows! The world is my oyster.

This wesbite, for now, is going to function as a personal archive of my works. It's mostly serving as a backup in case if I become too jaded about the internet & ai (and/or Tumblr impoldes on itself, which it miraculously hasn't done yet.)

It feels silly to think I can do much of anything about ai stealing my works NOW, after so many of them have been up for so long, but better late than never, I suppose.

Oh, and click the kitty at the top of the page for some fun.